“I’ve found so much FREEDOM in what I’ve learned in my private yoga sessions with Kristin! I had been to yoga classes in the past and always felt like it was a competition of who is the most flexible and most “connected to the Earth” kind of bullshit. I’m not saying all yoga classes are that way. That had just been my experience, but not with Kristin! I’ve been able to bring the freedom I found with Kristin into my home practice and enjoy the time to connect with my body, breath and just check in. I’ve reconnected with free flowing movement and doing what feels good to me.”
Melissa Volker, Mama, Wife, Fisherwoman extraordinaire, Dancing Queen and Space Holder at The Embodied Movement Center.

“I feel energized and re-vitalized. If you want a rich, re-generative and spiritually nourishing experience come to one of Kristin’s retreats!”
Roberta Anderson, Fairy God Mother at Large.

“Before working with Kristin I was feeling unsure, insecure and dis-empowered in many ways. After coaching, I felt empowered and confident to move forward with my business in a way that is more true to me, my goals and my vision. I needed that boost to stop questioning things, set my boundaries and just go for it. Kristin will not sugar coat things or put up with any “fake-ness”. She empowers and inspires. She helps you be real with yourself in order for you to succeed. If you want to take a real look at your life, work with her!”
Jessica Peebles, Mother, Entrepreneur, Yoga Teacher and Creator of Wildlight Sacred Space. Find Wildlight Sacred Space online here.

“Working with Kristin gave me a lot of self-confidence. She encouraged me to dig deep to unpack things that continue to come up for me and I really appreciate that because I have tendency to skim the surface sometimes and call that good. I feel like I gained a lot of perspective and clarity on how important life mission, values and purpose all tie into self worth. Kristin was open, authentic and always made me feel heard, understood and accepted. If you want to make lasting changes, work with her!”
Tara Emery, Mother, Grandmother, Nonprofit and Music Festival Director, Foodie Gone Pro Chef; also well known in the community as a local “Rockstar” Bartender, Avid Party Planner, Techno Tourist and All Around “Boss Mama”. Find her business, Dandelion Catering online here.

“When I had first started working with Kristin I had stepped more deeply into my role as caregiver to a parent with a degenerative disease. I was juggling that with trying to nourish a new business and feeling overwhelmed, unfocused and bad that I couldn’t accomplish as much as I used to. Kristin gave me a gentle and positive framework of support and encouragement to approach my goals in a way that was broken down into doable steps that fit my new reality. She’s an expert at holding space for her clients. She’s kind, compassionate, spirit-led, and not afraid to hold you accountable and bring out your best. She genuinely cares. If you want to see results and steady progress towards your goals, work with her.”
Martina Rutledge, Teacher, Coach, Podcaster. Find her online here.

“I was a scattered mess before working with Kristin! In working with her I got ROOM TO BREATHE. I was reminded that I have the answers I’m looking for if I’m willing to listen to and trust my own body. This tool has served me in every facet of my life. It’s invaluable! If you want to get your life together, work with Kristin!”
Jenna Joelle Bodle, Wife, Mom, Horse Hoarder, Fitness Trainer and Yoga Teacher. Find her online here.

“Kristin is a wizard! She helped me learn that in letting go of things, there is space made for new and amazing things and experiences. You can trust Kristin to lead you to a new section of your life with grace and beauty!”
Cyndi Elliot, Joy Spreader, Occupational Therapist, Author, Presenter and Founder of I See ABILITY Movement.